Σάββατο 7 Μαΐου 2016

The city of  future

With the continuous and rapid development of technology, the city of future will incorporated in our daily lives. Firstly, it   will facilitate our lives about our transfer.  Specifically when somebody wants to go to work will not have to take the means of transport because the cars will be able to fly so that they arrive quickly and avoid the hustle and bustle of roads. Secondly, we will all live in skyscrapers so will have access to shops, pharmacies and hospitals,   supermarkets,  gyms and swimming pools , etc.


As far as the schools are concerned the courses will not be in class with professor but through Skype. Material courses will be given by teachers with questions and the pupils will answer and will send again back to teachers. At the end of the year the exam will be done through internet. For instance, the pupils will have to answer a specific number of questions. Grades will not be given every four months but on a daily basis.

The everyday life at home will be much easier and quite different. For example when we will be out of the house we will give command to open the appliance. What is more we will have robots servants that will obey our command ,  they will do all household chores and cooking and looks after the children as long as parents will work.


 Administrator: Vaso Tsiori
Members:         Dimitra Karatasou 

                        Margetina Gournaki

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