Τρίτη 19 Ιανουαρίου 2016


  • Loutro is famous for Old Loutro that is located  1.5km from our village. People used to live there but then they chose to come to Loutro. Our old village is between plane trees and it's full of houses made of stone, nowadays. It also has a river , whose name's Krikelliotis and the church of Sint Nikolaos, which attract people to get married and baptize their children. Furthermore, you can take some trips or go for a walk in the nature, there.                                                                                                   

The first house we look at in Old Loutro

www.Palio loutro .gr

An old house
www.Palio loutro .gr

The road to Saint Nikolaos
www.Palio loutro .gr

Saint Nikolaos
www.Palio loutro .gr

A spring

www.Palio loutro .gr
The ruins… 

www.Palio loutro .gr

www.Palio loutro .gr
www.Palio loutro .gr

  • A few kilometers from Old Loutro there is a small village; "Kalyvia". Kalyvia is a mountainous, sunny and picturesque place. Sme years ago, people used to live there and had a friendly relationship with Old Loutro's residents. Today this region is deserted but unforgettable and its residents live in Loutro.                                                                                          


  • Loutro is located in northern Nome of Aitoloakarnania. It was named after the ancient baths discovered in Old Loutro. People used to call it Krikellos and then the river took its name from this.                                                                                               

A breathtaking photo…

Greece. gr
Greece. gr

Greece. gr

Arapis beach

  • Loutro has a majestic and wonderful beach;"Arapis". In the summer, Arapis is full of crowds. Its most positive point is that the beach has shallow waters and the children aren't in danger. Also, they are able to play with the sand. What's more, it's suitable for sunbathing. Next to the sea thera are two canteens which cook delicious food.                                                                                   

www.arapis loutro amfilochias.gr

www.arapis loutro amfilochias.gr

www.arapis loutro amfilochias. gr

Loutro by night

Loutro has a super night life especially at summer. It has two coffee-bars which more young people prefer to go to. You can also have a bite at local fast-foods such as "Karalakia" or some taverns.                                                                                         

Escape club

www. Loutro amfilochias.gr

Every year in August we organize a festival. It lasts a weekend and it has famous folk music's singers and bands. Our dancing group continuous the greek tradition and gives a unique spectacle. Moreover, you have the opportunity to eat and drink a big variety of products. Generally, you have the time of your life!                                                        

Our football team

Amvrakikos Loutrou is our local football team that has succeeded in a lot of victories and it is also at the first place on the local category.                                                                           


Football Pitches
We have two football pitches too. The one of them is used for training and the other one for the big matches.            

Loutro’s football pitch

Our schools

  • Loutro has also one junior school and a primary school, which includes the nursery school. In the square there is the day nursery. The children from the other villages come to ours schools because they haven't one of them. We have got a high standard of education and we organize a lot of activities. Unfortunately, our region hasn't got a high school, so the students have to go to Amfilochia.

Our primary school

Our junior high school

www. Gymnasio loutrou. gr


Our team;
1) Yannis Kyrosis
2)Spyros Stamoulis
3)Christina Vardia
4)Dimitra Fonia

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