Κυριακή 17 Ιανουαρίου 2016


Amfilochiko Argos was built in the 5th century B.C. Its first period of decrease is recorded after the destruction of Mycenaean civilization. According to legend, Amfilochiko Argos was colony of Peloponnesian Argos, which, was built either of Amfilochikio the son of Amfiaraou, who named it after his country’s name or from Alkamaiona, Amfilocho’s brother.

Πηγή εικόνας:

Another opinion, because the plain is near the sea, is that it was populated for the first time by Amvrakia’s residents which was Korintho’s colon.

According to Thucydides many generations after the establishment of Amfilochiko Argos, many Amvrakids people settled there. They were invited by Amfilochos people like flamate so as to deal with enemies.

The Amvrakias’ people and Amfilochos’ people had the same court which was installed in Olpes (an ancient town near present Bouka). In the summer in 430 B.C. the Amvrakias’ people got into Amfilochia and ruled it. They arrived up to Argos. They couldn’t rule the town so they returned to their country.The same happened some years later at 426 B.C. the Amvrakias’ people started fighting against Argos and they managed to take the land of Olpis. Their strength was empowered by their leader Eurilogo. Eurilogos beat his opponents to Olpis and then Amvrakias’ people in Idomeni.

The same year, the roman Foulvios  Novilior arrived up to Amfilochiko Argos and he settled there.

The Argioi and other Amfilochoi remained in the Aitoliki Simmachia until 167 B.C. When Nikopoli was built by Octavian August in 31 B.C. , the Amfilochiko Argos is devastated because it’s residents went to a new town.

It is located near Amfilochiko Argos which was the capital of the ancient country of Amfilochou.

Ζυγούρη Βάσω
Τηγάνη Έλλη
Μπουρελάκη Λαμπρινή
Φουρλάνης Γιώργος
Διαμάντης Γιώργος

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